Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Interview with Ava O'Shay, author of Entrusted.

 Romance author, Ava O'Shay, stopped by for an interview!

How do you choose your character names? Do you ever change their names mid-process?

I LOVE to name things!  I get dogs just to name them…fish even!  The names for my female characters have either been names I would have used if I had a girl or students I have had in my classes.  Names kind of come to me as I write and often times during church when I am reading my bible instead of listening to the pastor.

Have you ever read a book that you expected to enjoy but didn’t or, vice versa, read a book that you didn’t expect to enjoy and fell in love with it anyway? Which book? 

I am embarrassed to say I did not enjoy any of the Harry Potter books.  Well I didn’t read any more than the first few chapters of the first book but I am sure I wouldn’t have enjoyed the others.  Don’t throw stones at me please.  I have a really difficult time reading that genre.

When writing, do you share chapters with friends or beta readers as you go or do you keep your projects secret until they are complete?

I do not share anything with immediate friends or family.  I have had a few beta readers but they usually bail on me so as of now I work with my friend and editor Kara and that’s about it.

What was your favorite subject at school? 

I loved history.  Not because I love history but because I love to do research and that was the class where I was encouraged to research.  All my books have some aspect of research in them because it is a chance for me to do what I love.  

Please describe your perfect day.

 My perfect day would be a day hiking, mountain biking, or kayaking with my boys.  I love the outdoors and I love my family so doing physical activities outside is my favorite time with them.

Buy links:  Entrusted by Ava O'Shay  (is on sale for .99cents right now!)

  Main Attraction by Ava O'Shay will be available July 15th in ebook only in paper back right now

Serenity by Ava O'Shay
Will be released July 30th

Ava will start a Barnes and Noble signing tour through the Pacific Northwest on the 15th and there will be facebook contests throughout the months of July and August:   For more information, check this out!

Check out Ava's Blog and sign up for her newsletter!

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